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Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect over clouds from OMI and MODIS


Access the archive of aerosol
DRE based on OMI and MODIS
measurements using the
navigation menu below


Aerosol DRE observations
over clouds for:


Data availability:
south Atlantic: June - Oct. 2005-2020
Chile: Jan., Feb. 2017 and 2023
Australia: Dec. 2019 - Jan. 2020

    Explanation of
aerosol DRE images

Main page
aerosol DRE

South Atlantic Chile Black Summer Australia Black Summer Australia

Aerosol DRE over clouds for 09 February 2023

Aerosol DRE over clouds on 09 February 2023
   Aerosol DRE data for 09 February 2023        

Ⓒ Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI).
Last update: 21 May 2024