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Near-real time global ozone field

European Space Agency


The in near-real time delivered total ozone columns, derived from satellite observations, are input to a data assimilation program which provides global ozone fields for today and a forecast for the coming days.
Assimilated Ozone Field of 22 October 2024
GOME-2B Ozone Field Ozone Field Ozone Field
GOME-2C Ozone Field Ozone Field Ozone Field

Multi Sensor Re-analysis version 2 (MSR-2; 1960-2023):
images and data:   individual days  |  all days of a month  |  monthly mean data  |  overpass data
NetCDF/CF:   MSR-2.nc   (Monthly average data 1960-2023. One file, ~765 MB)


GOME-2 (METOP-A) (based on GDP4.x):
images and data:   individual days  |  all days of a month  |  monthly mean data
GOME-2 (METOP-B) (based on GDP4.x):
images and data:   individual days  |  all days of a month  |  monthly mean data  |  overpass data
GOME-2 (METOP-C) (based on GDP4.x):
images and data:   individual days  |  all days of a month  |  monthly mean data
OMI (based on OMDOAO3 v.
images and data:   individual days  |  all days of a month  |  monthly mean data  |  overpass data


When the data is used in scientific publications, please refer to the following publication and/or dataset references:

For the Multi Sensor Re-analysis (MSR2) data:

  • Paper:

    Van der A, R. J., Allaart, M. A. F., and Eskes, H. J.,
    Extended and refined multi sensor reanalysis of total ozone for the period 1970-2012,
    Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3021-3035, 2015.
    doi: 10.5194/amt-8-3021-2015

  • Dataset:

    Van der A, R. J., Allaart, M. A. F., and Eskes, H. J.,
    Multi-Sensor Reanalysis (MSR) of total ozone, version 2.
    Dataset. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), 2015.
    doi: 10.21944/temis-ozone-msr2

For the single sensor (GOME, SCIAMACHY, OMI, GOME-2) data:

  • Paper:

    Henk Eskes, Peter van Velthoven, Pieter Valks and Hennie Kelder,
    Assimilation of GOME total ozone satellite observations in a three-dimensional tracer transport model,
    Q.J.R.Meteorol.Soc. 129, 1663-1681, 2003.
    doi: 10.1256/qj.02.14,



The O3 level 2 data products of GOME-2 used in the assimilated GOME-2 ozone data are delivered by DLR/ACSAF/EUMETSAT.
The MSR data has been updated as part of the Copernicus service (C3S).



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